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My New Year Resolution That Never Changes

Ever since I understood the meaning of New Year resolution, I wished just one thing "I want to keep myself Happy". And for this coming year also I'm taking the same purpose for myself. I’ll try to do everything that it takes to make myself happy. People make different resolutions with every new year. I would admit, I did that also. I made new resolutions for me and tried to complete them. But soon I realized that everything in this world is related to happiness one or the other way. Happiness is so important to us, both as individuals and as a world, primarily because happiness is really everything.

We tend to forget how important happiness is and get consumed with our own negative feelings of doom and gloom from time to time. We sometimes don’t consciously realize that we are doing this to ourselves. As human beings, although we are highly "thought" oriented, the quality of our lives is ultimately ENTIRELY determined by our emotions. How we feel, how we think and then how we do. As individuals and as societies, happiness should be both our highest goal and an extremely effective means of achieving many other goals. And that's why I have stopped making new resolutions every year. I stick to just one goal for the whole year. BE HAPPY, SEE HAPPY

Being happy could be a mix of these things (or more) for me:

1. Facing life's challenges with smile
2. A healthy and Stress-free living
4. Some form of spirituality
5. Balancing family and work
6. and most importantly my son's happiness

I believe feeling happy is intrinsically important for oneself. If I am happy, I shall be more compassionate and feeling healthier both physically and emotionally. I shall be more creative, energetic and jolly only if I am happy. I shall try to make myself strong enough to face outside distractions and influences. Very few of us live our lives in complete isolation. We have kids, families, friends and work colleagues with whom we interact on a daily basis so if I am happy, then it’s likely to mean that my family and friends feel happier too. I know that it's hard to achieve complete happiness because I am trying this for last few years. But I want to continue my efforts. Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect, it means that I have decided to look beyond imperfections.

So here are my 7 mantras to happiness that I try to follow every year:

1. Think Less, Feel More
2. Frown Less, Smile More
3. Talk Less, Listen More
4. Judge Less, Accept More
5. Watch Less, Do More
6. Complain Less, Appreciate More
7. Fear Less, Love More

What are your new year resolutions? Did you get time to check your earlier resolutions and how much you achieved? Now is the time to start doing this exercise. The year 2018 is so close to joining the party. And if you are making resolutions for the new year, please include one point from my side. "I want to keep myself Happy".  This is the one thing that is all.

This post is for #MONDAYMOMMYMOMENTS and linked with Deepa and Amrita.


  1. Healthwealthbridge by Dr. Amrita Basu MisraTuesday, January 02, 2024 11:39:00 am

    Yes happy is most important.A balance of physical , mental ,social wellbeing is necessary for happiness

  2. Happiness should be the goal. Whatever we aim for or whatever we do, if we are not happy, its all useless. Good one Shipra. Thanks for writing for #MMM


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