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Are we doing enough for our future generations?

At least now I accept that we humans are greedy beings. The fact that investing in the environment is not going to give any personal return is the reason most of us are reluctant towards this. If we plant a tree, the oxygen it would produce for us will not be debited into our personal accounts so that we can use it whenever we need. This is the most unfortunate thing with our environment as far as I believe because had this not been the case, all of us would have invested in the environment by now. I had got to know from trustworthy readings that one tree is equal to twenty Air conditioners when it comes to soothing us in summers. However, buying an AC is a personal investment we make. We get it installed for personal use and consume the benefits.

We are some 1.25 lakh crore people. If mere 0.01% of us plant a tree on a day, there will be a clean safe environment for all of us. I believe this is the only solution. I have noticed few concerned people investing in indoor plants and I really appreciate this. Because buying a mask is not going to help you from this hazardous air all around; certainly not to any level to which just one plant can.'

It is a time when global corporations are investing in sustainability. Brands producing leather goods and chemical bound manufacturing processes are also doing their part as much as they can by ensuring minimum carbon emission, maximum use of organic colours and substances and environment-friendly manufacturing processes. Then why we here in India are lagging behind. Is this not a kind of our backwardness? Is it because we are still pondering on issues like poverty, education and gender equality that we have been doing since independence?   

This air quality is hardly improving around us. Almost all of us are worried to the bit we should be. Most concerned eyes are looking around for safety measures. Though world environment day is not approaching us, all of us are interested in talks about nature. Obviously, because it is the eleventh hour now. Though talking about it is the first step towards being concerned, it is too little for the need of this hour. At least all of us should act responsibly towards environment today itself by responding to one or more or the following measures:
Apart from these, trash the thoughts like what you alone can do or how much a single hand can help in saving the entire globe; it’s really worth a lot. Talk about how good you are responding to the needs of the environment with others as much as you can; take this as a matter of pride and philanthropy. Let us at least now become responsible towards the environment. Or else the coming generations would certainly blame us.


  1. Now that is some serious topic to be talked about and discussed! Glad you shared these views and I whole-heartedly support them.

  2. Your post is thought provoking we all really need to do atleast something from our side to conserve energy and protect Mother Nature for our future generations..

  3. This is a very thought provoking post. We as a generation is looting Mother Nature and not giving any thought about the coming years.

  4. yes agree we need to trash the thoughts lie how does it matter if i only do and rest are same..we need to give it a start to leave a better place for our future generation

  5. I am trying to do my bit for the environment. But there is still so much more one can do. Glad that you are writing on topics like these and spreading awareness.

  6. This is a topic tat needs to discussed the most...we cant make each an everyone to help ...but atleast we can do our part..tats wat i am doin now..i try my best not to add to the havoc

  7. Much needed discussion, we really need to think and take a step from our side then only something would happen

  8. This is a very sensitive topic and something which needs immediate attention. Air pollution is something which is going to create problems for our future generations. Air purifiers are a must.

  9. Food for thought. Thinking on these lines is the need of the hour. Thanks for reminding


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